Our Book Sleeves: A Year in the Making February 1, 2025Our much awaited Book Sleeves are finally here ... we are ready with a whole batch which you can order from the website now.
Looking forward to a happening month. March 1, 2022After some super busy weeks, we are ready with restocks and some new products for March 2022.
Coffee and cupcakes! February 12, 2022Its always exciting to make something all-new for the shop ...these mugrugs were long coming and had a fun time making them.
Make your own - Unpaper Towels February 9, 2022Simple sewing tutorial to make your own un-paper towels from old clothes. Easiest to make and oh-so-useful.
A Slow Start to the New Year. February 2, 2022It has been a dampening start to the new year but its great to be back to sewing and back to work at last.